April 5, 2012

when does the movement stop ?


Anonymous said...

I guess for you when you are asleep! :).Sorry for the silly answer.. I know you are asking a profound question.

But funnies aside..great image!I think there is a romance to trains which I love. You seem to capture them well---like in that movie.

mrinal said...

ah, but it doesnt stop when u are asleep ! it just goes on and on and on and on ad infinitum ad nauseam.

Anonymous said...

I agree,life goes on-apparently infinite and sometimes nauseating!

But I would argue sleeping makes you unaware of it--for that short little finite time.
Actually I am not arguing, just trying to assert how much I value a good slumber:)


mrinal said...

dangerous thing sleep... makes you think you're not aware... however deep inside your subconscious mind nothing is asleep ... its always going tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick :-)

Anonymous said...

I KNEW you would drag in the subconscious.
Well, no counter argument. I rest my case.
Life indeed goes on- "ad infinitum, ad nauseam..tick tick tick..".
