August 25, 2007

it's a chemical existence

i love the square aspect ratio.
i want to make a list of things which have always been only square ... the only thing i could think of was record covers (and now cd covers)

click picture to see larger...


Renu Desai said...

:-) i like how it ends:

its all chemical... hmmph

Deepshikha said...

It actually took me long to think of stuff which have always been only square. I can however think of many things which have always been circular. Anyway, I think books, whiteboards, government postcards, CRT's, IC's, newspapers they have all been parallelograms (if not a perfect square)....

mrinal said...

parallelograms not counted.. only perfect squares. i still can't think of anything more than the record jackets.

Tuples said...

Obviously the reason is that if want to envelope a perfect circle (CD, record) you will need a sqaure of side 2r, where r is is the radius of the circle. Now to take this to its logical conclusion - lets think of all the circular objects and we will get the squares.

Tuples said...

Among all the geometric forms, the circle will have the maximum surface area. My guess is that for economics of packaging etc, you don't want a circle, unless and until you need something to spin on its axis - and you can't do without one (like a CD, records, DVD).
Show me a circle, and you will see a square. BTW: The hard disk of the comp is a square, me thinks - because there is a circle inside.

mrinal said...

tuples, your math and logic is impeccable but it ain't no use... i still can't think of anything more :-)... and hard disks internal and external are far from perfect squares. keep trying... i am. there's nothing square in nature is there?